Phyllis Risdon
Common Sense / Responsible Leadership
County Board of Commissioners Role
The mission of the Board of Commissioners is to represent the citizens of Washtenaw County and to be responsible for all County services.Source:
Role of the Board
The Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners consists of nine members elected every four years. The chief role of our County Board is to be the legislative body of Washtenaw County government. As such, it serves as the “prime originating source” of our County activities. The main responsibility of a legislative body is to critically evaluate the proposals for change from the status quo to a path of continual improvement. An important dimension of the Board involves the oversight function: inquiring into the affairs and activities of the various County agencies, assessing their performance, and providing new policy direction or problem solving assistance.Other functions of the Board
Source: “County Government at Work” 1998-1999 Edition, Professor Lynn Harvey & Professor Kenneth VerBurg
- Developing and adopting the annual County government budget
- Monitoring County expenditures and receiving and settling claims against the County
- Auditing monthly bills as required by statute
- Adopting equalization of tax assessments throughout the County
- Establishing compensation of all elected and appointed officials, as well as other employees according to statutory authority
- Appointing County Administrator, members of Boards and commissions
- Formulating personnel policies and procedures for a number of County departments, jointly with elected officials where applicable
- Reviewing and adopting grants
- Authorizing new programs, or terminating existing ones
- Providing for necessary facilities and equipment for County government operation, and for the maintenance of such facilities and equipment
- Providing for County participation in several multi-County human service and regional planning programs
- Assisting local units of government, through intergovernmental contracts, in areas of public works, human services, law enforcement, etc., and sometimes granting the full faith and credit of the County to secure borrowing for local projects.